NTM Resources
Educating yourself about NTM is your best defense. Seek out reputable, expert resources to learn more about testing methods, efficacy of available treatments, and new medications in development.
The importance of seeking the right physician
Leading infectious disease and pulmonary scientists have developed globally recognized guidelines to treat NTM and improve outcome. Pulmonologists and infectious disease specialists who treat NTM understand the importance of following these guidelines, so it is imperative you have the right medical professional on your side.
When exploring support groups find out if:
- The group is designed for people with a specific medical condition.
- There’s a trained mental health practitioner associated with the group.
- All group discussions are confidential.
- There are established ground rules for group participation.
- It’s free. Some support groups may charge a nominal fee, but high fees are inappropriate.
Education and support links
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22861-ntm-lung-disease#:~:text=What’s%20important%20to%20know%20about%20living%20with%20NTM%20lung%20disease
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6993793/#:~:text=Incidence-,The%20annual%20incidence%20of%20NTM,6.4%3B%20P%20<%200.01).
- https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/nontuberculous-mycobacteria/learn-about-nontuberculosis-mycobacteria#:~:text=The%20most%20common,%20avium%20complex%20(MAC).
- https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/nontuberculous-mycobacteria/learn-about-nontuberculosis-mycobacteria#:~:text=found%20in%20soil%20and%20water
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6993793/#:~:text=Conclusions:,groups.
- https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/nontuberculous-mycobacteria/learn-about-nontuberculosis-mycobacteria#:~:text=The%20NTM%20infection,damaged%20and%20scarred.
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22861-ntm-lung-disease#:~:text=If%20you’re%20taking%20the%20correct%20antibiotics
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36213301/#:~:text=Mycobacterium%20avium%20complex%20(MAC),associated%20with%20chronic%20pulmonary%20disease.
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22256-mac-lung-disease#:~:text=MAC%20accounts,in%20the%20u.s.
- https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/mac-lung-disease#:~:text=MAC%20infection%20is%20not%20contagious.
Glossary of Terms related to NTM lung disease
acute (uh-kyOOt)
A sudden onset and typically a short period of illness (opposite of chronic).
aerosolized (AIR-uh-sah-liezd)
Dispersed as an aerosol, which is a suspension of tiny particles in gas. Mist and steam are types of aerosols. Aerosolized medicines can be inhaled into the lungs.
airway (AIR-way)
The tubes that carry air through the lungs. In bronchiectasis, they become inflamed and are widened and thickened.
airway clearance device (AIR-way klIR-uhns di-vIEs)
A device which helps loosen and clear mucus from lungs, working by means of vibration of airways, breathing resistance or other method.
antibiotics (an-tie-bie-AH-tiks)
Medicines prescribed for an infection caused by bacteria. These drugs do not help with infections caused by viruses or fungi.
anticholinergics (an-tie-koh-luh-nUHR-jiks)
A type of medicine that works to relax the muscles in the airways, allowing them to widen and improve air flow. They are available as rescue relievers and controllers.
bacteria (bak-tear-ee-uh)
Microscopic, single-celled organisms that thrive in diverse environments and can cause infection.
bronchial tubes (brawn-key-el)
The larger airways of the lungs.
bronchiectasis (bron-kee-ek-tas-is)
A chronic medical condition in which the walls of the bronchi (airways) are thickened and/or scarred. This can lead to mucus build up in the lungs. Excessive mucus build-up in the airways may lead to repeated infections causing more lung damage.
bronchoscopy (brahn-kAHs-kuh-pee)
A procedure that allows health care providers to look at your lungs and air passages and collect samples using a flexible tube that is passed through the mouth or nose and then down into the lungs. Your doctor may use this procedure to collect sputum samples if you are unable to cough up sputum.
chest physiotherapy “Chest PT or CPT” (chest fiz-ee-oh-thAIR-uh-pee)
A treatment performed by respiratory therapists that involves tapping on the chest and/or back to shake mucus loose.
chest X-ray (chest x-ray)
A painless radiograph procedure performed to produce an image of your chest in order to assist in the evaluation of cardiac, respiratory, and skeletal structure. Chest x-rays are utilized to diagnose multiple diseases such as pneumonia and congestive heart failure.
chronic (kron-ick)
Continuing over a long period of time or recurring frequently (opposite of acute).
computed tomography scan “CT Scan” (kuhm-pyOO-tuhd toh-mAH-gruh-fee scan)
A diagnostic test that uses a series of computerized views taken from different angles to create detailed internal pictures of your body. A computer collects the pictures and puts them in sequence for your doctor.
corticosteroids (kort-te-coe-stair-royds)
Anti-inflammatory medicines that mimic the action of a group of hormones produced by adrenal glands. To treat the lungs, corticosteroids can be inhaled or taken by mouth.
COPD “chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” (kron-ik uhb-struck-tiv pull-mon-air-ree)
A term used to describe chronic lung diseases characterized by breathlessness, including emphysema, and chronic bronchitis, in which airflow out of the lung is slowed.
cystic fibrosis “CF” (si-stik figh-bro-sis)
A genetic chronic lung disease affecting the lungs and other organs, causing recurring lung infections and limited ability to breathe.
immune deficiency (im-mune de-fi-shen-cee)
Any disease that makes it hard for the body’s immune system to fight off infection.
infectious disease specialist (in-fek-shuhs dih-zeez spesh-uh-list)
A medical expert who focuses on diseases resulting from the presence of an infection.
inflammation (in-flah-may-shun)
Redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, and heat in an area of the body.
inhaler (in-hell-er)
A portable hand-held device to take inhaled medicine in a couple of breaths.
MAC “mycobacterium avium complex” (my-co-bak-tear-ee-um avi-um com-plex)
MAC is a group of bacteria commonly found in our environment (e.g., water, soil). It is this group of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) that most commonly causes health problems. MAC can cause infection in those with underlying lung conditions such as bronchiectasis.
mucus (mu-kas)
Thick secretions or phlegm found in lungs, airways and sinuses that your body produces to help remove dust, bacteria and other small particles.
nebulizer (neh bew lie zer)
This is a device that delivers liquid medicines in a fine spray or mist. It requires no special coordination. It is a good method for getting drugs directly into the lungs.
nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) (non-too-burr-cue-luhs my-co-bak-tear-ea)
NTM is a large group of bacteria that comes from the environment (ex: soil, water). NTM can cause health problems for people with certain lung diseases or weakened immune systems.
oxygen therapy (ahk-su-gin thair-ah-pee)
A medically prescribed system of providing additional oxygen to the body. It is prescribed when diseased lungs are not able to meet the body’s oxygen needs.
pneumonia (new-moan-ya)
A common lung infection caused by germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
pulmonary function testing (PFT) (pull-mon-air-ree funk-shun test-ing)
A series of breathing tests that measure how well the lungs take in (inhale) and get rid of (exhale) air. It can also measure how easy it is for oxygen to move from the lungs into the blood.
pulmonary rehabilitation (pull-mon-air-ree re-ha-bill-i-tay-shun)
It is more than just physical therapy. It is a supervised program that includes exercise training, health education, and breathing techniques for people with serious lung diseases.
pulmonologist (pul-mo-nol-o-gist)
A medical specialist who diagnoses and treats lung diseases.
spirometry (spuh-rom-ah-tree)
A type of lung function test. It measures how well you breathe out and the largest breath you are able to take in. It is used to help diagnose lung diseases.
sputum (spu-tuhm)
Sputum or as it is sometimes called, phlegm, is airway mucus and some saliva (“spit”) which are coughed up when clearing the airways.
sputum sample
A test for infection that requires mucus (phlegm) to be spit up from the lungs and mouth.
vaccination (vac-ci-na-shun)
An injection or “shot” that protects the body from getting an infection such as the flu or pneumonia.